Wuhan Lingben Technology Co., Ltd.

Product NumberINCI Name

Application Overview

Kolliphor® RH40PEG-40 Hydrogenated castor oil (oral grade)

◆It can increase the solubility of vitamins, insoluble drugs, and volatile oils in water or aqueous alcohol solutions, and improve their bioavailability.
◆Solvent enhancing, especially suitable for water-soluble lipid soluble vitamin solutions.

Kolliphor® P407Polosham 407 (medical grade)

◆Non ionic surfactant and thickener, with special anti gel effect and solubilization, are used in oral care products.

Kolliphor® P188Polosham 188 (medical grade)

◆Non ionic co emulsifier, emulsion stabilizer.

PVP K30/K90Polyvinylpyrrolidone K30/K90

◆Good dispersibility and film-forming property, it can be used as the setting agent of hair spray and mousse, the sunscreen of hair conditioner, the stabilizer of shampoo foam, etc.

Kolliphor® HS1515-hydroxystearic acid polyethylene glycol ester

◆Viscous soluble agent with strong solubilization ability and excellent safety, with an HLB value of approximately 14-16. The preferred solubilizer for human injections, injection emulsions, etc., can also be used for veterinary drug injections.

Kolliphor® ELPPolyoxyethylene (35) castor oil

◆Purified grade, non ionic surfactants for oral, topical, and injection use, with an HLB value of approximately 12-14. It can be used to solubilize vitamins, insoluble drugs, and other hydrophobic substances.

BASF L-Menthol flakes PharmaL-Menthol

◆Pharmaceutical grade, effective content ≥ 99.7%.
◆Suitable for relieving cough, relieving nasal congestion, local analgesia, and local anesthesia.