Wuhan Lingben Technology Co., Ltd.

Product NumberINCI Name

Application Overview

喜化®螨零A20Acaricide A20

◆Alcohol soluble.
◆Safe, stable, non irritating, non allergenic, easy to add, and non discoloring, used for removing mites in daily chemical sprays, shampoo, and laundry detergent.

喜化®植螨零Plant mite remover

◆Plant sourced, formula green and safe.
◆Safe, stable, non irritating, non allergenic, easy to add, and non discoloring, used for removing mites in daily chemical sprays, shampoo, and laundry detergent.

Lingbcare™AR/ARSChinese mugwortessential oil

◆Alcohol soluble/water soluble.
◆Relieve itching and relieve skin allergies.


◆It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, insect repellent, and mite killing effects.
◆Widely used in industries such as medicine, cosmetics, and daily chemicals.